Thursday, February 19, 2009

Hell Comes At You From the Northwest

I'm cocooning in the Great Suburban Outback today, busy rescheduling what was supposed to be a full slate of business meetings in Chicago.  Roads between here and there are sheets of ice.  One Interstate is closed completely in both directions; apparently black ice is making it difficult for trucks to surmount a very small hill.  

Winds of 40 MPH are driving wind chills well below zero.  I think the trains are running, but the nearest South Shore terminal is still 30 miles away and the GSO's roads are worse than Chicago's.  Blech.

So I'll pray the power stays on, make a pot of strong coffee, fire up the wireless internet and a fire in the fireplace.  Got some Miles Davis on the hi-fi.  Maybe I'll fire up Camden the Wonder Dog for a mid-morning run and try not to fall on my ass.

I wonder what Tr-Daughter #4 is doing in Arizona right now?  Hmmm.

1 comment:

M said...

yeah, so i just drove from ann arbor back to chicago in almost a complete whiteout tonight - never seen anything like it EVER.

good idea on shutting in.