Wednesday, January 14, 2009

10 Days Of Snow and Now This...

There's a strange light outside.  Everything is snow-covered and icy, outlined in stark, monochromatic relief.  The snow is tinged with blue, the trees with grays and dark browns.  Yet I can see details that I've not seen before. The lake is moving, reflecting new colors in new directions.  What is it?  OMG!  My eyes!  My eyes!

It can't be!  No effin' way!  Holy crap...'s the sun.  And a small patch of blue sky.  

Well, heck, what did ya think?  A UFO or something?  I live in The Great Freakin' Frozen Suburban Outback, for hypothermia's sake.  I may carve a chaise lounge outta a 4-foot snowdrift and work on my tan!

I'm told frostbite and tans are hard to distinguish from further away than 5 paces.  Whatever works...

1 comment:

Doohickie said...

And that is why I love winter.