Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Immigration Man

England refused admittance to Martha Stewart, Anglophile and obviously dangerous felon. Now we tell Queenophile Boy George to stay home (with the Queen) for the same reason.

Seems like we got the best of that deal. We get to keep Martha and her ability to construct a 12-course meal out of dental floss and week-old cabbage, and don't have to host yet another creepy, cross-dressing dimwit druggie.
Yay for the INS!

tonight: grilled eggplant with a yogurt/cumin sauce, and grilled chicken breasts that've first been marinated in olive oil, lemon juice, garlic and pepper. A green salad, corn on the cob. Probably a nice chardonnay. Ice cream for dessert.

Shuffle: "Arms Aloft" by Joe Strummer, from "Streetcore." "Dimples" by John Lee Hooker, from "Don't Look Back." ("...you're my baby...got my eyes on you...") And "Nobody's Fault But Mine" by Jing Chi, from "3D."

Gotta go light the grill...

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