Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Ahhh!  Everything looks better from this vantage point.  It's the hot tub at day's end, with lotsa hard work and training accomplished.  A glass 'o vino is keeping me temporary company (a fav Sauvignon Blanc in this case.) The sun's setting over the lake, fish are jumping, birds squabbling at the feeders, wind chimes chiming and bubbles massaging my aged, aching toes.

Ahhhh!  Oh, did I say that already?

Oh yeah...dinner tonight:  a roasted chicken, fresh asparagus (picked earlier today in the GSO), a nice green salad, a baked potato and vanilla yogurt-drenched strawberries for dessert.  Later, I'll light a bonfire by the lake and finish off the pound of fresh cherries I bought earlier today.  I'll expectorate the pits off the dock; the carp'll think it's raining food.

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