Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Listen To the Music

Except for baseball games, traffic reports and All Things Considered, I haven't listened to commercial AM or FM radio in 2 years.  For one of the reasons why, see an interesting article in today's Market Watch about Pandora Radio, one of the coolest ideas EVAH for music fans like me...and you.  If you're not listening, you should be.  I have 25 "stations" set up in my free Pandora account; e-mail me and I'll happily share.

The future of commercial radio (cough*Clear Channel*cough) looks bleaker by the day, and deservedly so.  Pandora...XM Satellite Radio...iTunes...IPods...why put up with endless commercials, mindless DJ blather and lowest-common-denominator programming if you don't have to?

I don't listen to music while running or biking (it's unsafe...you shouldn't either...) but I'd love to find a way to take Pandora with me into the pool.  Hmmm.

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