Friday, April 18, 2008

Dumbasses Of The Day

Florida college students caught trying to steal alligators from a miniature golf course.  

Ummm, OK.  What am I missing besides the obvious and predictable stupidity of adolescent males?  This is FLORIDA you dillwads!  You can't swing a dead cat without hitting an alligator (or some kinda disgusting bug, but that's another story.)  You don't have to STEAL a gator you morons...they're free for the taking in every lake, pond, open sewer and mud puddle in the entire state, and that's saying something since most of the effin' state is an open sewer.  

Hell, given a little encouragement and a piece of raw chicken they'll latch on to your wanger and be your best friend for life.  And these dumbasses try to STEAL one?  What's next? Stealing mosquitos from the bayou?  Filching pigeons from Central Park?

And reason #9,165 why I do my open-water swim training in Lake Michigan: few disgusting critters and even fewer adolescent dillwads trying to steal 'em.  They've all moved to Florida, apparently, and joined a fraternity.

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