Saturday, April 19, 2008

Another Yogurt Lover Heard From

The latest search term shuffling someone over to Life Is A Tri?   A Yahooer from Manchester, England wanted more info on "life is a vanilla yogurt."  How'd s/he know what I had for breakfast?  I had mine with fresh strawberries and some whole-grain toast.  Yummm.  

And, changing the subject slightly but still on the topic of Manchester, I still love that Manchester sound from a decade or so ago...Charlatans UK's "You're Not Very Well," Stone Roses' "She Bangs The Drums."  Guess that's an iPod shuffle.  

Now: out for a run in between rain showers.  Camden the Wonder Dog (CtWD) is sitting this one out.  He's still exhausted after an excursion yesterday to the local dog park, a.k.a. slobbering, butt-sniffing heaven.  

Afterward: just another jacuzzi-soaking, trim-painting, curtain-hanging, bathroom-scrubbing, Cub-watching, dock-sitting, diver duck-watching, lakeside bonfire-starting, lamb-grilling, wine-drinking, mystery-reading kinda day.  I'd add moon-watching and star-gazing in there too but the weather is uncooperative, alas.  I'm gonna baste the French-cut lamb chops with a melange of melted butter, Dijon mustard, minced garlic and lemon juice.  The wine is an Oregon pinot noir.  


Anonymous said...

I like but I don't love it, because it doesn't sustain me. But how does that sustain you? I can't imagine, I can't tell from you latest pic because you are schlouching but your probably 5ft 10ish, 170-180lbs. Aren't you just straving, an hour after you eat? I know yogurt has some protein but not enough to sustain me to lunch even with toast and fruit. I have to have a little more protein. Not animal protein so much , but nuts usually almonds. You must eat frequently. Sharon from KS

Vertical Man said...

Yes I do - 5 small meals a day. Gotta keep that metabolic furnace on high boil!