Tuesday, January 08, 2008

The Real Danger Among Us

Last month, a deranged teenager shot up a Great Plains mall, killing 8 people before taking his own life. Now a somewhat deranged Great Plains elected official is tackling the REAL problem: herbs.

Yes, APPARENTLY a relative of salvia MIGHT have LSD-like properties and THEORETICALLY, SOMEHOW, an impressionable teenager COULD, MAYBE, ingest enough to POSSIBLY suffer a POTENTIALLY violent episode and, oh, I dunno, (quoting the official here) "rip the head off someone or something." Let me know, will ya, the next time a salvia-addled teenager rips the heads off 8 defenseless shoppers.

Aren't we proud of ourselves? We've devolved into a society where guns are irreversibly lethal and enthusiastically legal and where mild hallucinogens are ruthlessly controlled in the name of public safety. I feel safer already...how 'bout you?

iPod Shuffle: "Saturday Night Special" by Lynyrd Skynyrd, from "Nuthin Fancy." Nothing random about this choice.
Workout today: 60 min run and upper body/core strength workout.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What's next on his list? Parsley? Dill? Oregano? I get pretty out-of-control when I ingest those. Better keep me away from the kitchen knives the next time I eat my chicken dill salad! The Schwann mans next visit to my front door could be his last! BTW, just how much salivia should I plan on adding to my brownie mix this morning to get the proper affect???