Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Fleeting and Random New Years Resolutions

  • I don't need to lose weight, but I should...
  • Be less misanthropic.  I'm gonna like people.  Really.  All of 'em.
  • And be less observationally caustic and rant-prone.
  • Read at least two books a week; the "Calvin & Hobbes" collections next to the john don't count.
  • And of course work out more cuz I know this blog is supposed to be (at least loosely) related to triathlons.
  • And eat better food that I've made myself.  No more restaurant wankers.
  • And drink better wine.  And more of it.  In better glasses.
  • And be a better person.
  • While I'm at it, I should live up to my profile or rewrite the damn thing.
  • I might try to suffer fools more gladly.
  • And be more eager to please.
  • And way easier to please.
  • Wow, I could even appreciate Celine Dion for what & who she is...once I figure out what & who she is.
  • And go way out on a limb and meet a politician without getting arrested for character definition.  Though I'm still gonna probably punch the accompanying celebrity right in the mouth.
  • Finally, maybe, as a long shot, I'll shoot for the, er, moon and acknowledge that the female body is more than just luscious curves spilling out of black lace.
Oh hell, who am I kidding?  That ain't happening.  

iPod Shuffle:  "Known For Years" by Rachel Yamagata, from "Rachel Yamagata (EP)."  The latest smokey-voiced newcomer.   

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