Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Fleeting and Random Arizona Impressions

  • ASU rocks quite differently from my alma mater: Annoying University in Bug Screw, MI.
  • Arizona rocks too, though I fear becoming one of the grey-haired, wrinkly set known as snowbirds.  Hopefully there's a medication...
  • The January desert rocks.  Not so sure about it in July.
  • Tri-Daughter #4 rocks.  She's no-nonsense and takes no prisoners.  Wonder where she got that?  We're going to dinner tonight and then I'm going to play with her new puppy, a Jack Russell Terrier/Shar-Pei melange named Chloe, with all the bipolar tendencies implied by that rather strange combination.
  • I think I found the only hills for miles around on my morning run.  So cool I ran 'em twice.  
  • I gotta come back next January for P.F. Chang's Rock 'n Roll Marathon.  I heard that 35,000 runners showed up for this past Sunday's edition, though only 6,000 signed up for the full marathon distance.  Yep, the half-marathon/half-Ironman is my favorite distance too.
  • Southwest Airlines got me here an hour late.  It's supposed to snow on the Great Plains tomorrow so we'll see what they do getting me home...or not.  An extra day or two in the desert wouldn't hurt my feelings.
  • I'm almost up to Silver level in my Marriott Rewards program.  I think that gets me a free, half-eaten mint on my pillow or something.
  • A long jacuzzi soak after a long run is da bomb...that means it's good, right?  If not, never mind.
  • Even better are the Coronas that magically show up every few minutes.  
  • I saw a really huge feral cat patrolling the hotel's grounds this morning.  S/he looked big enough to eat me and hungry enough to complete the task.  Hopefully I'm too skinny to make a meal of, unlike those meeting-going corporate types with the cubicle pallor and the super-sized middle-aged spread.  Now THAT'S some good eatin, Kitty-Cat!

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