Saturday, January 12, 2008

Decisions, Decisions

So, as I settle in for an afternoon of playoff football, do I cheer for the disgusting, loathsome Green Bay Packers? Or do I cheer for the disgusting, loathsome Packers' ex-head coach and a bunch of Seattle Seahawk players who I consider, ummm, well, pussies, frankly?

OK, I've decided neither team deserves my loyalty, not even temporarily. I'm hoping their busses collide in the parking lot and all the players suffer major groinal injuries and can never reproduce.

Leavin' tomorrow for Arizona to see Tri-Daughter #4, maybe with a side trip to Sedona thrown in. Flying Southwest Airlines will undoubtedly store up some more blog-worthy rants.

Dinner tonight: Poached Chinook salmon, Miso soup, peas, green salad, and a Malbec to drink.

iPod Shuffle: "Sail Across the Water" by Jane Siberry, from "When I Was A Boy." For those times when you just can't listen to any more Celine Dion, pretty much anytime in other words. And "Phases of the Moon" by Sonia Dada, from "Lay Down and Love It (Live.)" My favorite soul/blues/rock/gospel/jam band EVAH!!!!! And they're from Chicago.

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