Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Does the Prophet Appreciate Irony?

OK, let me get this straight: the Muslim world explodes in violent (and deadly) protests over a cartoon depicting the Prophet Mohammad as a violent terrorist. I guess the lesson is "blasphemous" cartoons published in a minor little country a continent away: bad. Deadly riots, blowing stuff up, trashing your own town and otherwise confirming the stereotype: good.

Just so I understand...

(And now back to the usual triathlon fare. And by the way, if you didn't appreciate this little detour into the geo-political weeds, you didn't read my profile very carefully.)


Spandex King said...

How true. And I don't know why there viewed as barbaric.

Born To Endure said...

good grief!! You wrote EXACTLY what I was much violence because of a stupid little cartoon....barbaric!!! Can you imgaine North America revolting over cartoons like that..UHH NO!!!!!

Comm's said...

The religion of peace indeed.

William said...

I think the Muslims have really outted themselves this time. Savages.

The funniest thing is listening to the North American moderate muslims kinda of justify it.