Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Finishing Vertically

Those of you paying attention (both of you know who you are...) might have noticed some changes with the posting of this week's training plan. Well, meet Karyn Austin and MultiSport Madness. I've signed up with Karyn to make sure I finish the Steelhead half-Ironman race in August and do so vertically, not horizontally.

As an aside, my brother competed in the Steelhead race last year. Heading home hours after he'd finished, we passed a lone racer still on the course. I'll give him credit; though obviously laboring, he was upright and making slow, forward progress. An ambulance was hard on his heels, tracking his progress (and health) through the run's last 3 miles or so. I DON'T WANT TO BE THAT RACER IN 2005. Karyn assures me I won't be.

I spent some time with her last week so she could evaluate my biking and running technique. Both are salvageable but need some work (which has begun.) Later that morning I joined her Masters swim class at the Delnor Hospital Health and Wellness Center, though "joined" is probably way too strong a word. More like they swam and I struggled in a lane by myself. Swimming needs work too. Looks like it's back to the Total Immersion drills for a while.

My weekly schedule is posted on the TrainingPeaks.com web site. I use the site to record workouts, track performance and a bunch of other indicators and communicate with Karyn generally. So far so good.

I'll post more about the workouts in the days to come.

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